

Support for entrepreneurship and development of various entrepreneurial ecosystems is the primary focus of the STCC to support income generation, economic growth, job creation, and contribution to the sustainable development goals (SDGs) while considering and promoting the diversity of every stakeholder involved.


Vision & Values of the Working Group:

Diversity is one of growing agenda of the global community to improve the fair involvement of all society groups in our daily business handlings. As Swiss companies are from various cultural and language origins, the Swiss-Thai Chamber of Commerce has decided to establish a working group to organize activities, enhance collaboration for all members from all Swiss regions as well as to reach more members located in the various regions within Thailand.

The working group's goal is to raise participation from all groups to increase the entrepreneurial support to all communities and give members the possibilities to address their individual, local, specific challenges.

The goal is also to create a platform for sustainable collaboration among members through this working group and to focus on best practices and innovations that could prove impactful in the Thai context.

In addition, this working group aims to guide and link our members to other STCC working groups, other Chamber of Commerce, if their activities suit better the needs, or ongoing governmental supporting programs.

While understanding, that we alone cannot provide all supports, we will emphasis on collaborative efforts to bring the support to our members; therefore, we appeal to our members from various backgrounds and regions to reach out to us if they are interested to work within this working group.


Upcoming Actions:


  • we call on interested members, especially Non-German speaking members, and members from provinces outside of Bangkok, to join this working group.
  • the working group will define the scope, objectives, and theme for the working group.
  • set-up of a data base with best-practices & partners.

All interested members who wish to be involved in the working group can contact execdirector@swissthai.com.


Mr. Michel Maeusli

The Board of Directors has appointed Mr. Michel Maeusli, Regional Lead APAC for Oerlikon as Chair of this working group.